Competency Based Interviews (The Essentials)

man having a competency-based interview

In this article we will be answering the following questions:

  1. What is a competency-based interview?

  2. Why are competencies used in interviews?

  3. What are competency-based questions?

  4. What are competency-based answers?

  5. How to do a competency-based interview?

Understanding how competency-based interviews work and knowing what interviewers are looking for in this type of interview, can significantly improve your performance and your chances of success.

  1. What is a Competency-Based Interview?

Competencies are demonstrated skills or behaviours that have been identified as essential for success in specific jobs or positions. They are based on the actual behaviours needed to do a particular job well.

Competency-based interviews go on the following assumptions:

  • Past behaviour is an indication of future behaviour.

  • Some behaviours will indicate good job performance.

  • We can gain insight into previous performance and future potential from looking at competencies.

  • Competencies are derived from detailed job analysis. Essentially, identifying the positive behaviours that are relevant for a particular role.

  • Competencies are often scored positive or negative by interviewers. So it is good to think about what the positive indicators are for the competencies associated with the role you are applying for.

  • A competency-based interview is one type of behavioural interview (i.e. it focuses on actual behaviour). Another type of behavioural interviews focuses on values.

Examples of Competencies

An example of a competency might be Planning and Organising. Other popular competencies are Teamworking, Leadership, Communicating. Other examples are Delivering Results, Relating and Networking, Adaptability, Creativity, Problem Solving. The competencies that are used will depend on the role that is being recruited for. Sometimes, you will be told what the competencies are beforehand, so you can prepare for those. Often you will not be. Good practice is to give interviewees the competencies before the interview.

Competency Frameworks

Some organisations have created their own competency frameworks. They have analysed and listed all the behaviours that are necessary to do a job well across the organisation and jobs. An organisation may have key competencies that are common across all roles in the organisation. For example, the NHS competency-based questions are different for the Police competency-based questions and frameworks. Within the framework, there may be different levels. Within a competency, a Level 5 question will be different from a level 3 question, which is different from a level 1 question. In general level 1 is entry-level and the expertise demonstrated in the interview answers will be more in-depth as the levels increase.

Not all organisations have competency frameworks. They tend to be used more in the public sector. Organisations such as local councils, the civil service etc. make their competency frameworks freely available on the internet. If this is the case, you need to be very familiar with the framework before you go to the interview. An organisation may have a competency framework but not actually use it or refer to it in an interview.

Examples of Competency Frameworks

Have a look at some competency frameworks used by different organisations:

The Civil Service Competency Framework

The Scottish Government Skills for Success Framework

It is always good practice to find out if the organisation you are interviewing for has a competency framework, and if it will be used in your interview.

2. Why are competencies used in interviews?

Currently, behavioural interviews are found to be the most effective interviews for discovering if the interviewee is suitable for a job.

These type of interviews tend to be more structured and focussed around the behaviours that are required for the job. The idea is, that if someone has demonstrated the required skills or values in another job or situation, they can bring those transferable skills or value sets to the new job.

For some, behavioural interviews and questions can be quite frustrating. Especially for internal interviews. For example, where employees are interviewed for their own jobs in an organisational restructuring process. Individuals can be very capable in their roles but not at behavioural interviews so lose out on their jobs or promotions. Over the years, I have had many examples of high performing individuals losing out because of this. For example, I had a client who had gone for internal promotion in the Fire Service nine times. He was a high performer and praised for his exceptional work but he just could not get passed the interviews. The interview process was explained, we practised some competency-based questions around the required competencies and my client’s frustration was reduced. My client found success in his next interview.

If this sounds like you, why not book in for some interview coaching.

3. What are competency-based questions?

Competency-based questions normally start with:

“Tell me about a time…..”

“Give me an example of……”

These should be questions around the competencies required for the role.

Competency-based question format

A typical format for a competency-based interview goes like this:

1. Main Question:

“Give me an example of when you have…”

2. Probe Questions:

“How did you approach this? What steps did you take?”

“Why did you do it that way?

What did you learn from the experience?

4. What are competency-based answers?

Remember, a competency is a demonstrated skill or behaviour. It is good to think “what does good look like” for that competency.

So for example, if you had to plan and organise a project, you would start with preplanning, you might want to think about resources required, timelines, deadlines, monitoring and measuring progress, communicating progress to others…. you get the idea! This about the keywords that are appropriate for each competency - what good looks like, and then think of your own examples that demonstrate those behaviours.

In a competency-based interview, it is important to have a stock of examples that demonstrate the required competencies. It is good to recall those examples in depth. If you can’t remember what happened and make things up, the interviewer will know.

Scoring Competency-Based Interviews

Competency frameworks usually have positive and negative indicators. Interviewers judge how well you measure up to these positive indicators and give you a score accordingly. So, for example, for Planning and Organising, a positive indicator might be I met the deadline and a negative indicator might be I missed the deadline. Now you might think that people would never say that in an interview. But in my experience, you’d be surprised!

5. How to do a competency-based interview

Go through the job specification very carefully to identify the competencies you are likely to be asked about.

  • Find out if there is a framework available. If there is, make sure you have examples that cover the positive indicators.

  • Prepare some examples that cover the competencies. Examples that you feel proud of are the best, so that you can show some enthusiasm.

  • Think about what ‘good’ looks like in that competency. For example, under planning and organising your answer should include the keywords prioritising, meeting deadlines, preplanning, delegating, reviewing progress and so on.

  • Use the S-T-A-R-R format

  • In the answers, talk about what you did - “I monitored the progress….”. Beware of using “we” all the time as the interviewer won’t be any wiser about what you actually did in the example you give.

  • Above all, answer the question.

STARR - Interview technique.png

Answering with S-T-A-R-R

The STAR approach allows you to cover some of the probe questions most likely to be asked.

  • S – the Situation that demonstrates the competency. Set the scene, keep it concise and informative by sticking to what is useful for the story.

  • T – the Task – what had to be done?

  • A – your Action – what you did, how you did it and why. This is your opportunity to sell your key skills. Talk about you, not the rest of the team. Go into some detail, but don’t get bogged down in too much technical information.

  • R – the Results – what the outcome was, and what you learned from the experience.

  • R - Reflections - what you learnt from the experience and what you would do differently now. You need not include this in the answer, but be ready for it as a probe question.

And finally, always remember to write a thank you note afterwards and ask for feedback.

If you suffer interview nerves, read this article.

Do you want more information on remote interviews, read this article.

If you want to know the most commonly used questions at interview, read this article.

Want a freebie remote interview checklist? Get it here

Interview Coaching with Diana Dawson

Interviews do not have to be something you fear or have interview nerves about. They can be enjoyable if you get the right interview skills training.

Work with Diana Dawson, an expert interview coach. She has years of experience in recruitment and interviewing, including working as a recruitment consultant, an internal recruiter and behavioural interviewer, and an external assessor for various organisations.

Diana’s interview skills coaching will equip you to prepare effectively for both structured and unstructured interviews. You will be able to approach every job interview with confidence and demonstrate your interview skills and your experience in the best possible light.

If you suffer badly from interview nerves, Diana is also a Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy can be an incredibly useful method to combat nerves. Speak to Diana about how this can help you.


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